Téléchargement OMERE
OMERE 5.9.0
Auteur: TRAD
Description: Pour les nouveaux utilisateurs : Package complet OMERE 5.9.0
Release 31-Jan-2025 v5.9.0
- Release 31-Jan-2025 v5.9.0
- Release 21-Feb-2024 v5.8.1
- Release 04-Jan-2024 v5.8.0
- Release 18-Sept-2023 v5.7.0
- Release 23-Aug-2023 v5.6.2
- Release 11-Août-2022
- Release 02-Mar-2022 v5.6.0
- Release 01-Dec-2021 v5.5.2
- Release 14-Oct-2021 v5.5.1
- Release 10-Sep-2021 v5.5.0
- Release 28-Jan-2021 v5.4.2
- Release 15-Oct-2020 v5.4.1
- Release 14-Jan-2020 v5.3.2
- Release 16-Sept-2019 v5.3.1
- Release 10-Apr-2019 v5.2.5
- Release 20-Dec-2018 v5.2.4
- Release 31-Oct-2018 v5.2.3
- Release 17-Sept-2018 v5.2.2
- Release 14-Jui-2018 v5.0.6.0
- Release 16-Avr-2018 v5.0.5.0
- Release 23-Mar-2018 v5.0.4.0
- Release 21-Mar-2018 v5.0.3.0
- Release 31-Juil-2017 v5.0.1.4
• “Mission” module has been redesigned.
• “SEE rate calculation” module has been redesigned.
• Several files for transported protons and for LET can now be imported at once for SEE rate calculation.
• LET equivalent calculations are now based on GEANT4 tables.
• Default value of scaling factor is now equal to 1 when using environment “From file” for TID, TNID and Solar cell degradation calculations.
• Bug with calculation of TNID with NEMO NIEL model and “Other material” option has been fixed.
• The general stability of the software has been improved and other minor bugs have been fixed.
• Bug on import of mission files, generated by v5.8 version, has been fixed.
• Bug on save and import of component database on SEE module has been fixed.
• Multithreading option is now active when using mission files.
• The general stability of the software has been improved and other minor bugs have
been fixed.
• Mission file has been restructured. Old files are still readable by OMERE.
• LEO orbit with a 10 years mission duration is now loaded by default when opening OMERE.
• Active period (Solar average models) is now calculated with a worst-case approach.
• Transport calculation with FASTRAD® sector file has been corrected.
• Calculation with SAPPHIRE model has been fixed when solar active period is null.
• AtOx calculations using “from files” environment are now consistent with ones using “from mission” environment.
• Bug on default directory parametrized by the user has been corrected. It is now considered.
• The general stability of the software has been improved and other minor bugs have been fixed.
• OMEP model is available. It has been developed by ONERA and is dedicated to trapped protons in EOR orbits (60 keV to 20 MeV).
• SADC tool is available. This tool allows user to compute degradation of solar cells. User can create more complex solar cell models, and import one’s NIEL data. It also takes into account the darkening and measurements uncertainties.
• The general stability of the software has been improved.
• Other minor bugs.
- AE9/AP9 models have been updated. v1.57 is now available.
- New icons are available.
- The general stability of the software has been improved.
- Other minor bugs.
LET equivalent tool has been corrected; Calculations with SiO2 or Cu layers, and multilayers calculations are now correct.
Störmer cutoff model has been corrected.
Interplanetary module has been corrected. Calculations with ions files, computed with Helium and SAPPHIRE models, are now available.
Multithreading calculations with AE9/AP9 models have been fixed.
The general stability of the software has been improved.
Other minor bugs.
- The new ATOX module is now available. It allows users to compute the erosion of materials due to atomic oxygen at low altitudes.
- Multi Mission post-processing tool has been fixed. Output files were empty and are now filled with calculations asked by the user.
- OMERE takes into account the start date of a mission given by a .cen file.
- GREEN models: the launch date was not considered correctly when the mission was defined with an orbit file.
- SEE rate expert module: Bug in SEE rate due to the lack of LET file has been fixed. All SEE rate calculations, for both protons and ions are now correct, with or without a LET file in input.
- The general stability of the software has been improved.
Other minor bugs.
- Multi-mission has been fixed for displacement damage and solar cells degradation calculation.
- SEE: Correction on the results of the SEE rate calculation with the “from files” input.
- SEE: the “from files” and “from mission” are now independent.
- SEE: during a calculation “from files”, the protons where also considered for the ion calculation.
- The 2D display of the trajectory has been fixed.
- Mission: add of a new orbit file database. The user can add orbit files that will be stored and accessed easily.
- Redesign of the shielding definition tool. This tool is used in several modules: SEE, dose, atomic displacement, transport, LET spectrum, solar cells. It has been redesigned, and improved.
- Update of the GREEN models. The GREEN models are trapped electrons and protons models. The current version is now v4.
- SEE correction on the result file for contributions of solar particles. The in-flare and out-of-flare results were swapped.
- Atomic displacement: the results were wrong when using the “from files” input type.
- Environment (GCR): selecting the solar max option generated an empty output file.
- SEE: the calculation of the proton cross-section was not performed correctly with the Bendel model.
- The “Equivalent LET” tool was returning wrong values.
- Atomic displacement: the calculation of the NIEL using NEMO was not done properly.
- Other minor bugs.
• SEE: the detailed results were correct but not the total
• Displacement damage and solar cells: the number of points on the orbit was not taken into account correctly leading to wrong results.
• Displacement damage: the unit of the shielding thicknesses were not taken into account.
• Solar cells: redesign of the tool
• Solar cells: addition of the NRL-SCREAM (O-SCREAM) model
• Solar cells: possibility to apply a factor R on the low energy protons
• Mission: possibility to define a mission from TLE (Two Lines Elements)
• Update of the ONERA/GREEN models
• The GREEN and AE9/AP9 models are now available in 64-bits.
• The 3D view is now automatically disabled if it cannot be supported by the user’s system.
• Improvement of progress bars for several calculations
• DDEF tool: correction of the conversion from one fluence to another.
• Trapped particles – proton peak flux. The durations were not saved in the output file.
• AE9/AP9 calculation has been fixed
• Correction of the modified Julian date (used for AE9/AP9 calculation)
• Equivalent LET: Fix on the deposited charge calculation
• Other minor corrections
- The user-defined orbit grid is now conserved when applying the Störmer geomagnetic cutoff.
- Multi-mission: calculation for transport has be corrected.
- Mission: the calculations fixed when considering non-isochron orbit.
• OMERE v5.3 is available in version 64-bits.
• Integration of the average SAPPHIRE models for heavy ions.
• Integration of the solar flares SAPPHIRE models for protons and heavy ions.
• Integration of the GREEN-electrons and GREEN-protons models (trapped particles). Note that these models provide only integrated fluxes.
• The advanced manual has been merged with the regular user manual. It can now be accessed directly via the “advanced section” of the help menu.
• Management of versions has been improved where users installed several versions of OMERE on their computer.
• Solar particles: integration constant was missing after the application of the magnetospheric shielding.
• Fix of several minor issues.
- Solar cells: isotropy of spectrum was not correctly considered
- SEE module: restoration of the Bendel fit.
- Default Path files were not set correctly
- Dose curve calculation: when changing the target material several times, the calculation did not take the new material into account.
- The METIS model is now available when HI cross-sections data are in cm²/device.
- The SEE section in the help menu has been updated.
- In the “Equivalent LET” module: several plots can be overlaid.
- Minor bugs have been fixed in the SEE module.
- Module Atomic Displacement: the calculation “along the orbit” is now available when “displacement dose file” is selected.
- The version of AE9/AP9 has been updated to v1.50
- The datac folder is now installed in another folder. This fixes a crash for computers on WINDOWS10.
- Solar particles: software crashed when plotting solar ions
- Solar particles: the shielding was not taken into account for ions models.
- GCR: correction of the spectrum calculation with the “mission” option for GCR ISO 15390 model.
Major new modules
- AE9/AP9 v1.30 models (trapped particles)
- SAPPHIRE model for protons and Helium (solar particles)
- METIS model for proton cross sections calculation.
Major improvements
- Redesign of the Orbit dialog. For orbit files, possibility to change the order of the columns.
- Redesign and optimization of the SEE module.
- Redesign and optimization of the dose module.
- Improvement of the calculation time with SLOT and OZONE module.
- Shieldose: code optimisation & multi-threading.
Update of IGRF magnetic field at IGRF-12 version
- Transport: transport of multiple proton files did not take into account the first incident flux file.
- LET spectrum: the calculation with the shielding geometry from a sector file was not possible.
- Windows 10: The trapped particle dialog was causing a crash.
- Transport: Shielding thickness <0.01 g.cm-1 led to unchanged integral flux values.
- Cosmic Rays module: correction on the calculation of the flux for the GCR ISO 15390 model with the Mission option.
- Trapped particle module: Magnetic field models given in result files could be different from the selected models on the GUI. However the computations used the models selected by the user.
- SEE rate calculation module: correction of the X axis unit of the Weibull curve display for heavy ions from energy to LET.
- GCR flux calculation module: The elements of the periodic table are now always updated automatically when switching from one element to another having a lower Z. This fix prevents a crash during the computations.
- SEE rate calculation module: correction of the SEE rate computations based on an integral LET file.
- Dose calculation module: dose depth curve graphs can now be overlaid only if their unit is the same.
- The date format in the output file of the instantaneous flux has been changed to increase their precision.
- Transport module: the results of the electron flux transport have now a fixed sampling (10 samples per decade) that is extended down to 1 keV.
- Graph plotting: plotting a graph from a file allows again overlaying graphs. Information about axis and units are also retrieved from the file if they exist and are correctly formatted.
- Modification of the default name for the output file of the thickness table in dose calculation parameters.
- Modification of the output file name when post-processing SEE using multi-mission tool.
- Temporary removal of ‘O-Scream’ in the ‘Solar Cells’ menu.
- Modification of the help of ‘Optimization and uncertainty estimation’ in SEE menu and addition of a pop-up message.
- Correction of a bug in the consideration of flux units for SEE rate calculation with a proton integral flux file.
- Correction of a bug in the display of integral fluxes of solar flare particles previously plotting differential fluxes.
- Correction of the displayed unit for the dose depth curve depending on the chosen one in ‘SPECIALS’ parameters.
- Correction of the displayed unit for the displacement damage equivalent fluence curve depending on the chosen one in ‘Calculation parameters’.
- Correction of the calculation method for the solar active period considering missions over 2024.
- Correction of a bug in the consideration of cross-section test data in the SEE rate calculation wizard tool.
- Correction of a color scale bug when performing L meridian mapping using orbit projection.
- Correction of diverse minor bugs of the interface.