Electronic components testing
Electronic components testing is our historical activity. For more than 20 years, we have tested more than 5 000 references, across all technologies: from transistors to processors, from tpower MOSFETs to FPGAs and from optocouplers to microcontrollers.
The SEE tests are carried out under heavy ions, neutrons and protons. TRAD designs test benches to measure the occurrence rates of SEU (single event Upset MBU & MCU), SET (single event transient), SEL (Single Event Latch up), SEFI (Single Event Functional Interrupt) and other so-called “singular” effects.
We are equipped to test all effects types: TID, SEE (heavy ions, protons, neutrons), TNID, according to current ECSS and MIL-STD standards.
The whole “test” team has the dual electronic and radiation competence, which guarantees costs’ optimization and optimal service quality.
The SEE tests are carried out under heavy ions, neutrons and protons. TRAD designs test benches to measure the occurrence rates of SEU (single event Upset MBU & MCU), SET (single event transient), SEL (Single Event Latch up), SEFI (Single Event Functional Interrupt) and other so-called “singular” effects.
For each test, TRAD provide a complete report which includes all input data – specifications, test plans, full test benches’ traceability: boards, measuring devices – and output data – test results, analysis (if requested) – allowing a rapid results exploitation.
Our test means:
In order to optimize measurement time and development efforts, TRAD owns an comprehensive range of automatic testers (ATM):
- Universal SZ testers
- µTest – MuTest Tester
- Diamond D10 Tester – Credence
And irradiation means:
- Californium source (Cf252)- VASCO
- Gamma radiation laboratory (Co60) – GAMRAY
- YAG pulsed laser