
3 New publications in prestigious scientific journals
📣Our work has been published in recognized scientific journals.
We are proud to report that three of our articles have recently been published in leading scientific journals. These publications underline the quality and relevance of our research in various fields. They reflect our commitment to producing rigorous work and actively contributing to the advancement of knowledge in our field. We warmly thank our collaborators and partners for their support. We will continue to share our results and push back the frontiers of scientific innovation.
Here are our 3 articles:
Published in J. Space Weather Space Clim. 2024, 14, 35
Article :
🌕ARAMIS: a Martian radiative environment model built from GEANT4 simulations
G.Charpentier, M.Ruffenach, R.Benacquista, R.Ecoffet, A.Cappe, C.Dossat, A.Varotsou, H.Cintas, A.Paillet, L.Boyer, J.Mekki, P.Valet, and Y.Gourinat.
- Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), 18 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
- TRAD Tests & Radiations, 907 Voie L’Occitane, 31670 Labège, France
- RESTORE, UMR 1301-Inserm 5070-CNRS EFS, Université de Toulouse, 4 bis Avenue Hubert Curien, 31100 Toulouse, France
- ISAE-SUPAERO, Université de Toulouse, 10, Avenue Marc Pélegrin, 31055 Toulouse, France
- Institut de Médecine et Physiologie Spatiale (MEDES), 2 Avenue de l’aérodrome de Montaudran, 31405 Toulouse, France
ARAMIS – Atmospheric RAdiation Model for Ionizing spectra on martian Surface
A new model of the Martian surface radiative environment has been built: Atmospheric RAdiation Model for Ionizing spectra on martian Surface (ARAMIS). Based on Monte Carlo calculations, it offers high computational flexibility for surface flux spectra with several GEANT4 physics lists tested for different exposures and mission scenarios. ARAMIS performs Monte Carlo simulations independently of any exposure scenario to determine a surface response function that can then be convolved to any input spectrum, avoiding simulation repetition while maintaining results accuracy, using a parametric atmosphere geometry. In particular, the adopted approach enables secondary spectra to be discriminated by type and origin, in order to observe the impact of different primary flux components on the surface dose calculation. The ARAMIS model has been validated with experimental measurements from the RAD (Radiation Assessment Detector) instrument on board the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover, and benchmarked against other models in the literature. Built using version 11.1.0 of the GEometry ANd Tracking (GEANT4) toolbox and established models of Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) or Solar Particle Event (SEP) spectra, the surface neutron and photon spectra provided by ARAMIS show a better agreement than other models with high-energy experimental data, reducing model uncertainty for radiation protection calculations.
Congratulations Gabin for your recognition!
Published in IEEE Xplore. August 2024, 71, Issue 8
Article :
L.Coïc, N. Andrianjohany, N. Sukhaseum, J. Guillermin, A. Varotsou and G. Santin.
- TRAD Tests & Radiations, 907 Voie L’Occitane, 31670 Labège, France
- European Space Agency (ESTEC), Noordwijk, AG, The Netherlands
Standard heavy-ion single-event rate estimation methods are well adapted to mature technologies used in the space industry. However, the adoption of 3-D structures as well as advanced technology nodes may reduce the confidence in established rate estimation methods such as integral rectangular parallelepiped (IRPP). In this work, a single-event effect (SEE) rate calculation method with a GEANT4-based Monte Carlo (MC) approach was designed in order to address this shortcoming. It is intended as an extension to the IRPP method in the context of advanced technologies in the space industry. This article presents the general concepts and theory behind this approach, as well as results from validation cases based on flight data. This publication details the general concepts and theory behind this approach as well as the results from its validation step based on in-flight observations. This work shows that this prototype method is equivalent or more accurate than established tools on these practical cases and builds confidence for its application to more recent technologies. Future work is thus ongoing to make this prototype readily available to the general public as well as to demonstrate its applicability and illustrate the limits of established methods.
Published in IEEE Xplore. August 2024, 71, Issue 8
Article :
💻This article compares three models of the atmospheric radiative environment: 1) model of atmospheric ionizing radiative effects (MAIREs); 2) Excel-based Program for calculating Atmospheric Cosmic-ray Spectrum (EXPACS); and 3) radiation atmospheric model for single-event effect simulation (RAMSEES) to experimental fluxes measured at different altitudes.
H.Cintas, F.Wrobel, F.Saigné, M.Ruffenach, D.Herrera, F.Bezerra, J.Mekki and A.Varotsou.
- Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), 18 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France
- TRAD Tests & Radiations, 907 Voie L’Occitane, 31670 Labège, France
- Institut d’Électronique et des Systèmes (IES), UMR-CNRS 5214, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
This article compares three models of the atmospheric radiative environment: 1) model of atmospheric ionizing radiative effects (MAIREs); 2) Excel-based Program for calculating Atmospheric Cosmic-ray Spectrum (EXPACS); and 3) radiation atmospheric model for single-event effect simulation (RAMSEES) to experimental fluxes measured at different altitudes. The PIX Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) instrument recorded the fluxes during five stratospheric flights. There is no standard way to model the atmospheric radiative environment today. Each model uses its own Monte Carlo toolkit, modeling the atmosphere and primary particles. The RAMSEES was created by Geant4 simulation of the Extensive Air Shower (EAS) phenomenon generated by highly energetic Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) in 100 km of atmosphere. By using PIX fluxes, this article aims to benchmark the models with experimental data at multiple altitudes. Three integral fluxes were used in this article at a comparison point: 1) photons >0.823 MeV; 2) electrons >10.27 MeV; and 3) protons >80 MeV. MAIRE shows good agreement with all the experimental fluxes from 5 to 40 km. MAIRE predictions show remarkable agreement with the PIX photon fluxes. EXPACS predictions are in a magnitude order of PIX measurements but tend to underestimate the fluxes. Finally, RAMSEES predictions agree with PIX fluxes for protons, electrons, and photons at altitudes of 5–32.5 km. Moreover, RAMSEES shows significant agreement with PIX proton fluxes.
Congratulations Hugo Cintas for your recognition!
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